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Total words written: 15,091
Unfortunately, I did not sleep well that night because the nightmares returned. However, the alien with the javelin was absent this time. Only the sounds of clicking and tapping and the flashes of light on metal disturbed my dreams. I found them even more disturbing, though, as if they were an enemy which lurked just out of my vision. I kept trying to turn and look, but I couldn't see what was making the noise, though I had the feeling that the sound was very familiar. I woke abruptly and then fell back to sleep while trying to place the noise.I awoke the next morning with the nightmare lingering in the back of my mind like a shadow on a bright day that just wouldn't go away but kept following behind me just out of sight. It was annoying so I ate quickly and headed to sickbay as soon as I could to play with Kitty. She sat upright in her bed awaiting my arrival.
Your progress is great. Looks like you may make such great progress that the holidays won't hamper your way to winning NaNoWriMo :-)